100% Pure Coffee Flavour, Without 99.99% of the Caffeine Nightmare…

- We’ve LOVINGLY Preserved The Flavour and Aroma of Real Coffee
- 250g, 500g or 1kg Bags
- Organic, Fairtrade and Natural
- 20% Off Your Next Order If You Signup
- GUARANTEED TASTE or Your Money Back
What our Customers are Saying…

“We will be a very regular customer as this is the only coffee my wife can drink. She’s so happy. She hasn’t had a cup of coffee since 2016 so you have made her year. “
Fraser and wife, UK

YES! THIS IS A REAL PICTURE OF OUR DECAF COFFEE… Just look at that decaf crema in this lovely espresso cup… Amazing isn’t it? This is from the Luxe Organic Decaf, the rest all produce similar results.
Choose Bags of Personality
There is a Process to Making the Best Decaf Coffee

A World of Hand-Picked, Hand-Made Decaf Coffee
Our coffees are made with passion. Some of our single origin beans are hand-grown and hand-picked on the Nicaraguan Jinotega Estate.

Decaf Coffee Without Sacrificing Taste.

While some people might think decaf coffee is a waste of time and energy, there are actually quite a few reasons to give it a try. For one, decaf coffee still has many of the same health benefits as regular coffee, so you can enjoy those without having to worry about the caffeine jitters. Additionally, decaf coffee is more forgiving on your stomach and won’t keep you up at night the way regular coffee can. And lastly, with the right preparation, decaf coffee can be just as delicious as its caffeinated counterpart. So if you’re looking to cut back on your caffeine intake or simply want to mix things up, be sure to give I Love Decaf’s decaf coffee a chance!

Medium roast or dark roast? Half decaf or Organic decaf coffee? Take your pick…
Further information on decaf coffee…
- Can Decaf Coffee Still Make You PooP? Yes, It’s Not a Cure, Find Out WhyIf you’ve ever noticed that your morning decaf coffee often leads to a swift visit to the bathroom, you’re not alone. This phenomenon can be attributed to various factors, including the impact of coffee on gut hormones and colon activity, as well as the timing of consumption. Interestingly, even decaf coffee can have this effect.…
- Will Decaf Coffee Keep You Awake? Exploring the Surprising Effects of Decaffeinated Coffee on Caffeine WithdrawalIntroduction For many avid coffee drinkers, the thought of going without their beloved caffeine fix can be daunting. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and irritability are all too familiar to those who rely on their daily dose of java. However, a recent study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology suggests that relief from…
- Does Decaf Coffee Give You Energy? Exploring the Impact of Decaffeinated Coffee on VitalityIntroduction Coffee, a beloved beverage enjoyed worldwide, has long been associated with providing a boost of energy and alertness, primarily attributed to its caffeine content. However, with the increasing popularity of decaffeinated coffee, questions arise about whether decaf can offer the same energising effects. This article delves into the effects of decaffeinated coffee consumption on…
- Decaf Coffee: A Surprising Boost for Post-Exercise RecoveryIntroduction Within the circles of endurance sports, athletes and coaches are perpetually in search of dietary interventions that can not only enhance performance but also expedite recovery. The study titled “Coffee Increases Post-Exercise Muscle Glycogen Recovery in Endurance Athletes: A Randomised Clinical Trial” provides a groundbreaking insight into how decaffeinated coffee may play an influential…
- Gym and Coffee: But Does Decaf Work the Same?In the realm of fitness and health, coffee often emerges as a champion beverage, celebrated for its energising effects and potential to enhance physical performance. The spotlight usually falls on caffeinated coffee for its stimulating benefits. However, with a growing trend towards healthier lifestyles and the avoidance of stimulants by some individuals, decaffeinated coffee (decaf)…